Sunday, April 25, 2010


Highlights from Roturua, NZ:

- Both Ms Kast and Ms S "Swooped" with another student teacher from Williston this year. This involved being hooked up to a large rope, being pulled high into the air, and then swinging back and forth like a pendulum. Tons of fun! We have a video that I will try to link someday soon...

- Ms Kast also "zorbed"... google "Zorb NZ" for details. Essentially it is just like a big hampster ball for people that you climb inside and roll down a hill. Hilarious!

-Going to a spa that was heated by geothermal energy. If you could get over the rotten egg like smell of sulfur, it was very relaxing!

-Hiking through a geothermal area. Amazing places like the picture below- makes me wish I taught science so I could know exactly what made this all possible because it was incredible!

We are moving into "homestays" at local teachers homes for the week, and will be spending some serious time exploring one school here. I don't know how much time online that will result in, but will try to write an update at some point!

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